What Is the 3.1 Movement?

by TOT:P

A long time ago, when Japan occupied Korea, Koreans protested for the independence of Korea. A lot of people died, but finally, they succeeded. How?

Koreans started protesting in Seoul, and soon, the 3.1 Movement happened all over the world.

In 1919, one year after the First World War happened, some countries got independence from it. So, Koreans thought that this was the best time for the 3.1 Movement. They started protesting in Seoul, and soon, the 3.1 Movement happened all over the world.

Gwansun Yu led the 3.1. Movement when she was 18 years old.

In 1945, twenty-six years after the 3.1 Movement started, Korea finally got independence from Japan. It was successful thanks to a lot of Koreans’ hard work. For example, Gwansun Yu led the 3.1. Movement when she was 18 years old. She wrote the Declaration of Independence and her parents were killed by the Japanese while participating in the 3.1 Movement. Bonggil Yoon, a cabbage seller, threw a grenade at Japanese people and killed two of them. Junggeum Ahn shot Hirobumi Ito, who led the Japanese to occupy Korea, in Harbin Train Station. Bongchang Lee tried to kill the Japanese king with a bomb, but he failed. The Japanese tortured these heroes, and finally, they died.

The 3.1 Movement was successful thanks to a lot of Koreans’ hard work.

In my opinion, if I were there, I wouldn’t join the demonstration because I would be scared of the Japanese, who were armed. I think those Koreans were very brave. Their courage and achievements will be recorded in history forever!


The bio for this author is still on its way.

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