Why People Should Stop Smoking

by Ramen Boy

Smoking means to breathe tobacco smoke. There are many people who damage others and themselves by smoking, so I think people should know why smoking is bad and how to stop it.

There are many bad ingredients, such as tar and carbon monoxide.

There are three reasons why smoking is bad. First, people can be addicted. If they smoke, the ingredient named nicotine in tobacco makes people feel good. So the hormone named dopamine, which transmits the feeling to people’s brains, can be increased, so they can’t stop smoking.

Second, it’s bad for people’s health. There are many bad ingredients, such as tar and carbon monoxide, so it can cause a lot of diseases, such as cancer, dementia, and stroke.

The cost of cigarettes has been raised from 500 won to 8000 won from 2004 to 2021.

Third, people can lose a lot of money buying cigarettes. Many people have started smoking in recent years, so the cost of cigarettes has been raised from 500 won to 8000 won from 2004 to 2021.

People can stop smoking in three ways.

However, people can stop smoking in three ways. First, do more fun and interesting things. Second, get counseling with professionals. Third, attend a support group. They can research how to find and attend one on the Internet.

There are many disadvantages to smoking and ways to stop it, so I think people should know about them.

Ramen Boy

The bio for this author is still on its way.

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