The Way for People to Survive a Zombie Apocalypse

by ggu

There are many strengths and weaknesses about zombies which people should know to kill zombies and to survive a zombie apocalypse, which is when almost all people become zombies.

Zombies’ eyesight is not good but zombies can hear very small sounds well.

Zombies’ eyesight is not good but zombies can hear very small sounds well. So, people should be careful when they move because zombies turn people into zombies by biting them.

Also, people can get food at the market or other people’s houses where there are no zombies only at night when zombies can’t see. People can know which places are safe using drone cameras.

People can know which places are safe using drone cameras.

In addition, people should attack zombies’ heads because their brains are the most important organ for zombies to move. People can use the weapons they get at their houses and make or steal them from other people.

A zombie apocalypse is dangerous because all people turn into zombies and the earth can be destroyed. Because of this, people should prepare for a zombie apocalypse to survive.


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