Survival on Mars

by Gorilla Boy

Earth is getting sicker because of global warming, which was caused by car and factory emissions, so people will not be able to live on Earth because many plants and animals will go extinct because of the unbalanced food chain. So, people have to know how to survive on Mars to live there.

There isn’t air on Mars so people need air pressure or they will blow up.

There isn’t air on Mars so people need air pressure or they will blow up so they can balance the air pressure using a machine. Also, they can’t breathe there so they can grow plants to get oxygen.

People need solar energy to block radioactivity because there is a lot of radioactivity in space. In addition, they need the same energy to generate heat using machines and turn on the power and lights.

The weather on Mars is -59 degrees Celsius so people need a place to be warm.

People need food so they can grow plants like potatoes, which have the most calories out of all the plants on Earth, and they need heat and water to grow them. They can find thirty-five liters of water per meter under the ground on Mars.

People need water to live because they will die in three days if they don’t drink water. Also, they have to grow plants and take a shower not to be messy. They can use drills to get the water under the ground on Mars.

People need shelter, too. There is radioactivity so they have to protect their bodies from radioactivity. The weather on Mars is -59 degrees Celsius so they need a place to be warm. People can build a shelter using hard materials like iron and titanium.

Earth is getting sicker so people have to know how to survive on Mars to live there.

Gorilla Boy

The bio for this author is still on its way.

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