Playing with Friends

by Leader

People should make a plan to play with their friends. Some people don’t make a plan but we should make one so we don’t need to waste time deciding what to do.

If we eat cheap food or play for a short time with our friends, then we can take 20,000 won. If we eat expensive food or play for a long time with our friends, then we can take 40,000 won.

We can play games or play dodgeball and ride bikes.

If there are a lot of confirmed patients in that community then we should only play for two hours, but if there are only a few confirmed patients in that community then we can play for four hours.

We can eat meat or mara soup when we have enough money. But if we don’t have a lot of money, then we can get ramen and drinks.

If we have a plan then we don’t need to waste time choosing anything.

If there are a lot of confirmed patients we should not go anywhere, but if there are no confirmed patients in the community, we can go to the jumping park, a cafe, or the bowling alley. We can play games or play dodgeball and ride bikes.

So if we have a plan then we don’t need to waste time choosing anything.


The bio for this author is still on its way.

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