How to Prevent Diseases

by Ramen Boy

There are many diseases in the world so I think people should know how to prevent them.

People should eat healthy food because there are vitamins that help with growth and carbohydrates and proteins that cause movement and give energy.

If they wash their hands with soap and take a shower, 70% of viruses and bacteria can be sterilized.

In addition, people should have good hygiene because there are many germs on their hands so they can contaminate the food. If they wash their hands with soap and take a shower, 70% of viruses and bacteria can be sterilized. There are many germs on their hands after exercising so they should have good hygiene, too.

If they exercise, their immunity can increase. They can exercise easily like jogging at the park and playing many sports. After exercising they can sleep well.

If they sleep enough, like for seven to nine hours, the brain can rest so their immunity can increase and their stress can be reduced.

There are many ways to prevent disease so I think people should know and implement them.

Ramen Boy

The bio for this author is still on its way.

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