The Reasons for the Dinosaurs' Extinction

by Ramen Boy

The dinosaurs went extinct around one hundred fifty thousand years ago. There are three possible reasons for the dinosaurs’ extinction and they are aliens, a volcanic eruption, and a meteor.

I think aliens are the least likely possibility because there isn’t any evidence of aliens, but some people saw UFOs and strange animals so they think aliens killed all the dinosaurs.

If a volcano erupted, the ash clouds covered the Earth, so the sunlight couldn’t penetrate.

I think a volcanic eruption is a possibility because there are some volcanoes which erupted when dinosaurs were alive. If a volcano erupted, the ash clouds covered the Earth, so the sunlight couldn’t penetrate so plants, herbivores, and carnivores died and the food chain was out of balance.

If a meteor crashed into the earth, its impact would have been one billion times a nuclear bomb.

I think a meteor is the most likely possibility because there are some meteor craters in some places like jungles and deserts. If a meteor crashed into the earth, the size of it would be ten to fifteen kilometers wide and its impact would have been one billion times a nuclear bomb. Also, it would have been going twenty kilometers per second, so its impact would have been strong enough to kill all the dinosaurs.

There are three possible reasons for the dinosaurs’ extinction, and I think a meteor is the most likely possibility.

Ramen Boy

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