Will AI Machines Help People in the Future?

by Gorilla Boy

I think AI machines will be dangerous for people in the future.

AI systems will be able to make weapons and kill people because they can think, so I am very afraid now. So, I would do something if I could do something in the future. I would code the rules for AI systems to be safe for people because they can conspire and make dangerous weapons to destroy the earth. There are ways to make AI systems safe for people.

Scientists can stop increasing AI systems’ abilities when they can think.

First, scientists can stop increasing AI systems’ abilities when they can think because if they can think, they will hack all people’s computers to kill them.

Second, scientists can check AI systems once a day so they can delete AI systems which have errors so they can’t break rules using errors.

Third, scientists can make rules for AI systems not to kill or hit people but to follow them, so people can control AI systems.

People can keep AI from attacking people with a controller.

Fourth, people can keep AI from attacking people with a controller. Also, people can protect the controller in a box made of iron and they have to enter the password to open it.

AI systems will not be able to think and feel in the future if scientists stop increasing AI systems, so they will not attack people. They can stop because they can always check and study the systems a lot. I think scientists have to stop increasing AI systems’ abilities quickly.

Gorilla Boy

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