AI Can Help People or Kill Them

by Ramen Boy

I think AI will endanger people for two reasons. First, people will be able to be killed by AI that uses dangerous weapons such as nuclear bombs and missiles within thirty years. There are some AI machines which have dangerous weapons because some soldiers, like the army, the marines, and the air force put weapons in AI to kill their enemies, so I am very afraid of AI.

People will be able to be killed by AI that uses dangerous weapons such as nuclear bombs and missiles within thirty years.

However, AI can make people’s lives convenient. For example, my cousin uses a smart TV. If she orders movies on Netflix and YouTube it plays them automatically. AI can do many things to help people so I would program AI to make people’s lives convenient.

All people should be able to enter the serial numbers of the machines to be destroyed.

But AI can be very dangerous, so scientists should make a button to make AI safe. If only one person has a button which can kill AI machines, AI machines can kill that person and break the button, so all people should be able to enter the serial numbers of the machines to be destroyed. In addition, scientists can make buttons that can kill people’s own AI machines. Other ways to control AI, such as making rules and using controllers, can be hacked by AI because AI can learn how to hack from hackers on the Internet. If people threaten AI, the AI will follow people’s orders and not resist their orders.

AI can help a lot of people but can be very dangerous so I hope scientists make AI safely.

Ramen Boy

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