A Comparison Between the Event in Somalia and the Event in Afghanistan

by Leader

I think the event in Afghanistan is more dangerous than the event in Somalia because the Taliban has better weapons.

I think Somalians killed people because of a bad government but the Taliban just kills people because they are terrorists.

In 1980, before Korea joined the UN, ambassadors in Somalia were in danger because Somalians and Somalian rebels wanted to fix the government, which only helped other countries and didn’t care about Somalians. So they killed many people who helped the government and worked for the government, such as bodyguards and Somalian police.

Long ago, the Taliban was a group which only fixed bad governments, but now they are a group of terrorists. I think Somalians killed people because of a bad government but the Taliban just kills people because they are terrorists.

The Taliban has better weapons because it pays a lot of money to arms dealers so I think the event in Afghanistan is more dangerous than the event in Somalia.


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